Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mike Trout...a hard fish to catch

Ok, so here's the thing...

I became an A's fan when I was 12 years old. Daddy got free tickets (I believe because he was the president of the Little League at the time) and RIGHT as we sat down Mr. Eric Chavez (who after checking the program has the same birthday as me) went yard. It was beautiful. Then a web-gem outfield catch was made by Jermaine Dye (I think). Can you really get better than that? No you can't...now Mr. Chavez even though, like everyone else (Sorry Swisher) you ended up on the Yankees, I have you to thank for my challenging, yet still hopefully love for the Elephants.

Circa 2012. THIS GUY...

Simmer down ladies...he's taken. Anywho...like I was saying. This guy, he's like the Christian Soriano of baseball (this was specifically for my beautiful female readers) he's young, and FIERCE! He can catch anything within a 50 ft radius and make it look sick. Let's just say if it was a grounder to the 3rd basemen Trout would be on it. He is also very Andrew McCutchen-ish on the bases. (Ladies...picture Ryan Reynolds without his shirt on...you'd steal his shirt so nobody else would)

What I'm trying to say is...Mr. Trout, with all do respect, let the A's have a shot. (Which Trout is actually legally able to do as of today). Sportscenter's Top 10 will never be the same.

Over and out.

Tonight should be interesting. My team vs. my other half. Dun Dun Dunnnnn

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