I've been wanting to post this type of blog for months now, but have just been too busy and didn't quite know how to put it out there, so I will try my best.
The beauty of social media is this: anonymity. I love that people can express themselves and be completely upfront with how they feel, I think that's a wonderful thing about today's social media.
The ugliness of social media is this: anonymity. I can't tell you how many times I've been called "cleat chaser" or "stupid" or even slash my articles that I work hard on, then you look at his/her profile and it's a picture of an MLB player giving a stupid face, or a kitty. This is fine. Call me whatever you want, but that's not who I am. So I'm going to tell you who I am.
The term "cleat chaser" is as follows:
This is probably a more harsh version of cleat chaser-it is from urban dictionary after all.
"Desperately follows." Now let's remember one thing. Everybody on twitter follows an athlete, celebrity, twitter crush, etc. I'm a SPORTS JOURNALIST it is my job to see what these athletes are up to so I have something to write about. Look through your list of people who you are following on your twitter. Does that make you a cleat chaser? Didn't think so. "In hopes of having intercourse with them..." I won't even go there because a) my personal life is none of your damn business b) it's NOT true and c) a crush on a celebrity or athlete-really like you don't have one? Stop it.
So now the question is: Have I ever been hit on by an athlete/celebrity what have you? Yes, I have. Guess what though? I've been hit on non-athletes and non-celebrities before too. Weird, I know.
So when somebody hits on you at work, you start dating, fall in love, get married, have children; that's ok right? But if an athlete hits on another athlete, or member of the media, or a hot babe with a huge rack, it's bad (by the way I'm NOT the hot babe with the huge rack in this scenario). Please tell me how this is so.
Guess what though? I could care less if a guy is a baseball player, carpenter, or one of those people who twirl signs on the corner to tell you about the newest model homes to check out. Let people date whoever the hell they want-stick to trying to find your soul mate on X-Box Live.
I don't date somebody specifically because they are an athlete or any specific career type. Just coincidentally the last boyfriend I had was a baseball player. I didn't even find out until our 3rd date! (I almost feel pathetic having to defend myself, but I feel the truth needs to be out there). And even more importantly he's the only athlete I've ever been with!
The short of it is, my personal life is none of your business.
The Whispers
So you've read an article of mine or two. I appreciate that. I truly do. Without any reads, I would not feel I was doing my job. So you give me criticism, even better, it'll only make me a better journalist. Oh then there's the ones who tell me I'm a straight up idiot and I "know nothing about sports." Or making fun of me for having a Louis Vuitton purse to a baseball game, or high heels during an interview, or even making fun of me for adding a damn FILTER to a photo (I sometimes get breakouts because I'm a freakin human-forgive me, so you bet your ASS I'm putting a Lo-Fi filter on Instagram). My favorite part is when you won't mention me in the twitter shit-talking, that's super special guys. I enjoy that part the most probably. Grow a pair. Seriously.
I just hope you take a good long look at how you are treating people. If you're going to be a nasty person and bully and troll people on twitter that's fine, if anything it's hilarious, but blatantly hurting someone that you have never met and making stuff up, it's pathetic.
I realize if I'm going to land my dream job, the hating will only multiply, but at least at this moment in time you know where I stand and how I am feeling. And also if you're not going to like my articles, or my views on sports, the unfollow button is always there, and you don't have to read everything I post. The Mean Girls table at lunch always has room for you.